Trellis News - Wed 2nd Sept 2020

Reminder - the Trellis is an image of the different areas of Church life, through which we can bear the fruit of the Gospel.

1. Youth work - please pray for:

# A new leader/ team members for Little Rascals toddler group: which reaches out to many families in our local community with fellowship and yummy cakes, and also Christian songs and Bible stories.

# for Spectrum, who have a team all ready to start with the children as soon as our Church building is ready. Praise God for their faithful online ministry throughout lockdown, that children would have been encouraged in their faith, and that the Spectrum children would be excited to return.

# Sunday School of Rock members as they prepare for their Christmas extravaganza on Sat 5th Dec 2020, for Rach, Nicole and Colin as they organise, and the young musicians as they rehearse, that they would know God's guidance and encouragement.

# Southside Theatre group - also ready to start as soon as the Church building is ready - that they would effectively reach out to the local community

# Junior Church - Praise God for Susi and the other leaders who have kept up an online ministry each Sunday morning throughout lockdown. Pray as they continue this for the time being, that the 3-7s will be encouraged by this teaching.

Thank you