Thurs 6th Aug - #94. “Upset”

Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things…” (Luke 10v41).

It’s easy to take Jesus’ words as a rebuke to Martha, but how about we take them as a comfort to us? Jesus knows when we are upset.

The word used for “upset” can be translated “bothered” or “disturbed” or “troubled”. So Jesus knows when we are upset, bothered, disturbed and troubled.

And we are often this way aren’t we?

·        The heartache over the horrific explosion in Beirut

·        The sense of injustice, anger even, that pubs seem to have far more freedom and less rules than churches in lockdown ease.

·        The concern over a loved one who is facing a very tough time.

·        The sadness for people who have had the joy of major-life events denied them through lockdown restrictions.

·        The disappointment we feel with people.

·        The disappointment we feel with ourselves.

·        The worry over finances and employment.

·        The sorrow for people who have been alone and isolated through covid-19.

·        The perplexity over a person’s behaviour.

·        The hurt received from a friend or family member.

·        The anticipation over a forthcoming event.

·        The frustration with social distancing, mask-wearing.

·        The nerves over the imminent exam results.

·        The loss of something or someone precious and dear to us.

·        The tiredness we have from Zoom, Teams, Skype, Hangouts, calls.

·        The confusion from being left out when we thought we should be included.

·        The fear over upsetting someone with something we need to tell them.

·        The feeling of being torn between two people and trying to please them both.

·        The strain of knowing that if you do the right thing for one person that will be the wrong thing for another person.

And Jesus knows when we are upset and bothered by many things.

And Jesus simply says, “one thing is needful”… Sitting at his feet and listening to his word. You see, all these upsets and troubles bounce frantically around our minds like a super-rubber-bouncy-ball thrown hard between two walls; impossible to catch and driving you mad watching it!  But bringing ourselves to the Word of God regularly, quieting our spirits and saying “speak Lord for your servant is listening” enables us, at times, to catch and control the feeling or thought or reality that is upsetting us.


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Drop thy still dews of quietness,
till all our strivings cease;
take from our souls the strain and stress,
and let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of thy peace.


Love from Paul

Tues 4th August - #93. Why Bother?

When I was feeling a little down and unmotivated the other day, my wifey said “Here’s a good poem by Paul Tripp for the devotionals”. I agree.

I consider
The brokenness of the world
And I think
“Why bother?”

I look
At the corruption all around me
And I cry,
“Why bother?”

I wonder at
My inability to live with my neighbour,
And I ask
“Why bother?”

I face
My war with sin inside and out
And I ponder
“Why bother?”

I look
At the problems of culture around me
And I lament
“Why bother?”

I scan
My world broken by disease and misuse
And in sadness I say
“Why bother?”

I consider
The statistics of violence and abuse
And I think
“Why bother?”

I am assaulted
With the reality of endless wars between nations
And overwhelmed I say
“Why bother?”

I am defeated
By temptations power
And I cry
“Why bother?”

I ponder
How good is called bad and bad good
And my frustrations says
“Why bother?”

I search
For hope like a parched man for water
But end up thinking
“Why bother?”

I look
To myself and see weakness and want
And my grief says
“Why bother?”

I should live for leisure and comfort
And give into
“Why bother?”

I should exist for the here and now
And forgetting forever, say
“Why bother?”

I am tempted
To live for power and control
And of greater things say
“Why bother?”

Personal pleasure in the here and now
Is what it’s all about, so
“Why bother?”

But in
Exhaustion I look up and not around
And I say,
“Why bother?”
Because you are, and you are good.
“Why bother?”
Because you dispense goodness and grace.
“Why bother?”
Because you have plan, and it will be thine.
“Why bother?”
Because I have been welcomed into your kingdom of life.
“Why bother?”
Because I am always with you.
It is true
That my eyes don’t always see
And my heart isn’t always confident.
It is true that darkness overwhelms me
And fear leaves me weak.
But you come now.
You remind me once again
That I can be confident
You were willing to say
“Why bother?”

Love from Paul

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