
Pollyanna is a bubbly parrot who just loves gardening. Though the yellow flowers are her favourite flower, pink is her favourite colour. She likes to make plum puree, and especially plum jam. Pollyanna has many interesting things to say to the boys and girls. She enjoys spending time with Father God, and also loves talking to Him; she loves to read the Bible and to pray.

Pollyanna and her friend Rachel have many adventures, which you can enjoy finding out about during the Morning Services at Hook Church, or on Pollyanna’s YouTube channel. Pollyanna has a friend called Fred, who first appeared on the ‘God made boys and girls‘ video. Pollyanna is very grateful to both Dan H and to Anna for their help in preparing her videos.

We first met Pollyanna, that bubbly parrot, on Sunday 7th June.; she was in her garden, remembering that God made animals and plants, with a reading from Genesis 1. You can watch this on her YouTube channel, by clicking on the following link: ‘Pollyanna’s Adventures - God made plants and animals’.

A new video of Pollyanna will be put up the ‘Pollyanna’s Adventures’ YouTube channel each Monday at 10am, throughout August. To access these videos please click on the following link; ‘Pollyanna’s Adventures’ YouTube channel.

You can also follow Pollyanna on her Instagram ‘‘pollyannas_adventures’ by clicking on the following link: pollyannas _adventures

You can see Pollyanna at the Family Services on the Hook Church Youtube channel [the last Sunday of each month].To watch please click on the following link

pollyanna winning 1st prize flowers - 13th June 2020.jpg
  • The second time we heard about Pollyanna was on Sunday 14th June, when we were told how she had won the Flower competition. (see photo!)

  • On Sunday 21st June Pollyanna appeared again telling another story from Genesis 1: ‘God made boys and girls’. Here we also met Pollyanna’s friend, Fred. You will be able to see this when the next ’Pollyanna’s adventures’ video is released on YouTube on Mon 3rd August 10am.

We met Pollyanna once again at the Family Service on Sunday 28th June. The object was water and Pollyanna was seen watering her garden. You can watch this Family Service on the Hook Church YouTube Channel. Please click on the following link

  • On Sunday 19th July we launched into the new chapter ‘Who God is’. Pollyanna described how, though plums only come out for a short while, God is everlasting: from the beginning at creation, He is with us now, and as Christians, He will be with us forever. You will be able to see this ’Pollyanna’s adventures’ video, when it is released on YouTube on Mon 10th August 10am.

On Sunday 26th July there was the next Family Service, with the object fire, and the message ‘God speaks, we listen and we act’. Here we find that Pollyanna had been making jam, and listening carefully to the instructions.. You can also watch this Service on the Hook Church YouTube Channel. Please click on the following link

Pollyanna will continue to have adventures, through August in the Hook Church Morning Services at 10am, and a new video will be launched on her YouTube channel each Monday at 10am, which you can watch by clicking on the following link: ‘Pollyanna’s Adventures’ YouTube channel.