#97. Filled with compassion or full of dung?

How did Jesus do it? How on earth did he manage to have compassion on godless, wicked, proud sinners? How?
How did he have compassion on a godless cheat of a man who got stinking rich at the expense of others?
How did he have compassion on such an immoral woman who had spent her life sinning away with 6 different men?
How did he have compassion on a violent terrorist who had actually killed people?
How did he love a young man who decided that his riches were far better than Jesus?
How did he have so much love in his heart that he was prepared to sacrifice his life and die on a cruel cross to save self-centred-sinners like me?

You see, at times, many times, and very sadly and sinfully, I am so far away from having this compassion and love of Jesus for proud, wicked, godless people. There are times when instead of showing the love of Jesus I would rather smugly say with Zophar (Job 20)
“Though the pride of the godless person reaches to the heavens
and his head touches the clouds,
he will perish for ever, like his own pooh..”

And this is why I need Jesus to touch my spirit, change my heart and transform my attitude daily. Though saved, yet I am still a sinful man (Romans 7).

Who on your frontline do you need to exercise self-control with and have compassion on today? Who, today, on your social media timeline do you need to swallow what your sinful nature would like to say to them and have compassion on instead? Which godless, self-sufficient person on the news headlines today do you need to have compassion on when you really feel like raging against them and twisting their nose?

I need you to pray 1 Thessalonians 5v23 for me, and I will pray it for you too
“May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

May I/We show compassion to people whom we think are full of dung today.

Your servant

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