Golden Wedding Congratulations - 50 years!

Saturday 8th August 2020

Colin and Kay had met in The Corner House on 15th March 1964, a few days before Colin’s 18th birthday. They went to St Matthews Youth Group and it was hosting a musical event. Colin, who played bass in the band ’Barry and the Black Arrows’ offered to accompany Kay, then aged 15, as she sang the Cilla Black song ‘anyone who had a heart’ for the Youth Group event, (Colin recalls that it was a tricky song to play, in A flat minor).. Romance blossomed from then.

in 1967 Colin and Kay got engaged, and booked to get married in St Matthews Church in 1970, when Kay would be 21 and Colin 24. Later Colin and Kay started attending Christian meetings in Westminster Chapel in London, and at one meeting in 1969 Kay remembers meeting with God in a personal way, and committing her life to Him as her Lord and Saviour. They decided to start worshipping locally, and began to attend Hook Evangelical Church in 1969, where Brian Edwards was the Pastor . Colin became a Christian around that time.

They duly got married on 8th Aug 1970.

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They went on to have 4 children,: Samantha in 1972, Matt in 1975, Emma in 1983 and Kim in 1988. They now also have 6 grandchildren. Below is a photo taken during a family holiday in 2019

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In 2007 Kay had to combat breast cancer, with an operation followed by radiotherapy. The verse that really encouraged Kay, and gave her comfort and strength during that time was Deuteronomy 33 v27 ‘The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms’ . When Kay was diagnosed with breast cancer, she had an amazing sense of God’s presence, and welcomed the possibility of meeting her Heavenly Father face-to-face. But then Kay realised that was to be a future experience, as God had more for her to serve Him through here on earth, with family and friends.

Kay said that one of her favourite songs more recently was ‘ I’m No longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God. ‘ A song which was a real comfort to Kay , when she was coping with the loss of her mum, aged 91, in 2017..

Kay recalled God’s healing of Sam, and also of Emma from ME. Then the miracle of Tabitha, born to Sam when she was aged 45.

Most recently, they both got coronavirus, which lingered on. On day 14 they were still experiencing a fluctuating temperature. But after much prayer, they came through, Praise God. A song that really helped them during this time was ‘He will hold you fast’.

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Colin and Kay recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, on Sat 8th Aug 2020, with a family picnic, and this lovely Anniversary cake.

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We praise God for His goodness, and His faithfulness over the years.