Treasure Hunters Oct 2017

1. decorating the Church.jpg

Our Treasure Hunters event took place  Tues 31st Oct 6 - 7.30pm.



1.1 Mobee and the Treasure Chest.jpg

We had a fun time decorating the church beforehand, with footprints, which would lead to the different activities; draping leaves to create a jungle atmosphere and, of course, a treasure chest.


3. and some more.jpg


As leaders, we also had fun dressing up as adventurers.





6. young adventurers.jpg


Here are some young-adventurers, ready for action...




7.1 binoculars.jpg


The evening began with the children making themselves binoculars, so everyone could do some really effective treasure-hunting



7.2  singing Captain Jesus.jpg


We then sang 2 fun songs, with lots of great actions: Diggin for Gold and Captain Jesus.



Then everyone did 3 activities in their teams:

Team Adventurers

Team Adventurers















Team Conquerors

Team Conquerors

Team Braveheart

Team Braveheart

And the evening continued:

12. Coralie's fun geode shashing.jpg

Finding Treasure - geode smashing






14. treasure map quiz.jpg


Following clues on a Treasure map - discovering that 'Jesus' is our Treasure.




15. obstacle course.jpg

Completing an Obstacle Course challenge


17.1 little treasure chest.jpg

The children had delicious refreshments, and then they each made their own Treasure Chest



18. Tim's talk.jpg


Tim then spoke about Treasure: Tim told us how he had put all his hopes in an electric guitar, and when it broke he felt he'd lost everything. When Tim came to faith in Jesus, he saw that Jesus was his real treasure, as Jesus is always there to help us. 



The 3 teams earned gold coins in each of the 3 activities, as well as bonus coins for enthusiastic or particularly good activities. The winning team each won a gift bag, with the tag 'Jesus is our treasure'.



19.2 party bags.jpg A.jpg

And then everyone went home with a goodie bag.


A great time was had by all!!




A big thank you to everyone who helped to plan and carry out this Treasure Hunters event.


Here are a few additional photos:


5.1an adventurer ready to explore through the jungle creepers.jpg
4. more  pics of adventurers.jpg

some more of the leaders...

...and of the activities

19.1prizes for the winning team.jpg
13. smashing geodes.jpg
16. timing the obstacle course.jpg