Roy Goodenough          8th March 1942 - 2nd October 2017


On 12th October 2017, we remembered our brother Roy, with great gratitude and fondness, at Hook Evangelical Church, where Roy became a member in 1966, and was baptised in 1968.

on International Bald Day

on International Bald Day


You can read below the many warm tributes and memories with Roy.


as a boy.jpg




Roy's family spoke of his love of football, photography, the computer and the charity Caring for Life , which supports vulnerable people in the Leeds area. And that Roy was a gentle and warm-hearted friend. Mark, Roy's son-in-law, then sang us a rendition of a song which Roy had written!

Pat Inch said some prayers, noting that Roy always 'worked with all his heart, as unto the Lord'.


Caring for Life 30.jpg

Jonathan Parkinson from Caring for Life, gave tribute to the work Roy did for Caring for life. Jonathan especially recalled, when Jonathan was taking over from his father as CEO, Roy grilled Jonathan during a phone-call to check that he was going to maintain the gospel-centred approach to all they do at Caring for Life. Jonathan assured Roy that he would. And so the work of Caring for Life continues to flourish, with support groups up and down the country, including here in Hook.

Pastor Paul Pease spoke from Bible passages in 1 Thessalonians: he spoke about Serving - 'let your labour be prompted by love', which certainly was the case for Roy; Sadness - we do grieve, as we will all miss Roy in so many ways, however, but we don't need to grieve as 'the world' does; Hope - for Christians have a hope of eternal life, and look forward to be with the Lord forever. We know that Roy is now with his Lord and saviour. The question was then posed - 'are we ready?'

We also sang some great songs: 'To God be the Glory';  'Amazing Grace - how sweet the sound - to save a wretch like me'; 'The Lord's my shepherd I'll not want', and 'When the Lord in glory comes.. His voice.. shall be music to my ears.. He it is to whom I fall, Jesus Christ my all in all'.


The many tributes from friends in Church:



Roy was indeed a fabulous man of God, and as you say, we are all very sad in losing a real friend and gem.  We have reached out to a couple of folk who knew Roy of old but now moved away, to let them know, and that sadness is felt many miles away.  He was known as Mr G by Helens generation of kids when he and Linda used to run Junior Youth as it was then.  Roy and I reminisced about the old days only a few weeks ago when I last met with him.



I'll mostly remember Mr G for leading us on Houseparties.

As a young person he'd say "oi you lot" to us...then, when many of us became leaders with him, he'd still say "oi you lot" - usually followed by a look that said you're worse than the kids!

He seemed to have a special way with young people on the fringe of things, and sought to befriend them and draw them out.

And I know that whilst he took a lot of ribbing and a few troubles from us (broken windows, blocked sinks, broken people from playing red alert...and the list could go on), he always took it in his stride with grace and gentleness, and best of all, I know that there will be eternal fruit from those times away. 

ah Mr G, a Godly man, with a gentle spirit and a great gospel heart.



I remember Roy's work as he single handed lead the 'senior youth work' each Saturday.

Organising games, quizzes, outings s of our congregation. and an epilogue each week. He faithfully ministered to many who are now adult/grandparent members.



It was with great sadness we learned of Roy’s passing, I remember asking Roy to help with the organisation, planning and administration of the HEC annual week-long summer house parties for the “cornerstone” youth group. For those that went as kids and as leaders it is safe to say he was far more important than just organisation, planning and administration but had real God given gifts in these areas and it is difficult to imagine how they would have run without him. Self-deprecating and humble in everything he did, with a calm, gentle and fun-loving spirit he shone in his service for our Saviour that he loved. Who knows how many young people and yes, adults he has pointed to Christ through his humble, quiet service, lived for King Jesus. The sadness for us who are left behind is eased by the knowledge he is with His Saviour free from pain and suffering and now knowing the complete joy of the Lord. As we remember him and his life and all the fond memories, he is still pointing us to Christ. 



For me Roy was synonymous with the running of house parties that were always so much fun, Roy went under the title of Mr G, you could tell that he really enjoyed being there. More recently Roy was always ready to talk football and especially about the situation at Arsenal. Roy also had a care for the vulnerable within the congregation and could be found meeting with and caring for such people.



I first meet Roy on a Youth leaders course we were both on, back in 1965. At that time he was going to St Christopher's Church in Hinchley Wood. and it proved to become a very close lasting friendship over the years. eventually he left the church at Hinchley Wood, to join us at Hook. He became my assistant in the youth at Hook soon after joining us. (Interestingly, the church membership at that time was about 70). We had some 40 young people that used to come on a Saturday evening. 

The first half used to be very varied, if we were at the church we ended the evening with devotional time for about 3/4 of an hour which was called 'Fellowship 45'. 

I will end with a very funny true story in brief. We were both away on a Youth weekend course in Brighton, which was held at the Imperial Hotel, Roy and I had a room on the last floor, that had a flat roof, at about 3 p.m. the roof opened up: all the rain that built up fractured it and we ended up with gallons of water pouring over me and Roy managed to miss most of lt.

 What an every lasting memory of a dear friend, and faithful servant of the Lord, to have.



Mr G will always be a great example of patience, spiritual yearning and hard work as he laboured in the lives of the young people at Hook. His investment in our lives will never be forgotten.



We truly got to know Roy and Linda when we served together on the Discovery and Cornerstone Youth Group Houseparties. Roy was the boss and led all the proceedings.  We had such a great time and remember him particularly for his gentle spirit, good humour, godly leading and incredibly neat handwriting! We had some very special times away under his direction and were truly blessed to serve with him.  One particular memory that we hold dear was the very popular fancy dress night one year of "Little Roy's Rockin' Diner".  Dressed as cheerleaders, 60s diners and rockers, Little Roy’s was such a hit with the kids and leaders alike. He devoted huge amounts of time to organising and making the houseparties happen. He never saught the limelight even though he'd done most of the work. 



Our lasting memory of Roy (and Linda) is at our Bible Class House parties where we had so much fun with each other and the young people.

One day after an outing, we left one of the young people in Guildford by mistake.

Roy and Maria set off in the car to find him but neither of them had a sense of direction so how they found him was down to a divine satnav.  Ray and Maria will remember Roy with much love for his great sense of humour and fun and the way his face lit up when he smiled. A quiet, conscientious and gentle man who we will miss very much and learned so much from.




I first met Mr. G when he knocked on my front door, inviting me to Junior Youth. Saturday nights soon became the highlight of our weekends:  meals on feet; making ice-cream sundaes and the eagerly awaited house parties. (How many people could you get in the back of the minibus on the way to Dorset?!?) 

Mr. G taught us so much about what a youth leader should be and something that we aspire to be today. He was totally reliable; extremely hardworking; dedicated; kind; gentle but above all he wanted us, his young people, to know the God that he loved. He had a real servant’s heart and we thank God for the faithful influence that he had on hundreds of young people’s lives. There really was no only one Mr. G. 



While I will remember Roy as a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus within the four walls of the Hook Church building, some of my best memories are from outside the brick walls.  About 12-13 years ago Roy and I were paired up for a couple of seasons of the Jesus video project, first in School Lane and later in Cotterill Road. Roy had a genuine love for people, a real desire to see people engage with the gospel, and a gentle way with all we met.  Door-to-door evangelism is not something I'm particularly gifted for but it was always much easier in the company of someone like Roy who would turn up on his bike with a smile and a quiet confidence in the Lord - a lovely man to evangelise alongside!





Roy (before his retirement) and I worked for the same Company – Decca (which became Racal-Decca) – in the 80’s / 90’s, though in different parts of the business and in slightly different locations. We were brought together after, as a young Christian under the wings of Peter Woodcock, along with another new Christian at Hook (Steve), who also worked for the same Company, there were some discussion about setting up a CU in the workplace. So the three of us (Roy, Steve and I) were founder members and Roy met with us regularly until his retirement. (By the way: Roy didn’t drive and always cycled to work, rain or shine. For a while, if the timing was right, we used to meet in the mornings and evenings and cycle to and from work together.) The CU is still going strong despite another change of Company and a big change in location (from New Malden to Crawley). 

Roy and Linda have also, for many years, been in the same Small Group, which for a long while met in their house, and although Roy had a period when he didn’t attend, he started again about a year or so ago and I have always enjoyed fellowship with him. Because of the bond we formed over the working years, I have always had a soft spot for Roy, and he was always an encouragement to me, enquiring after how things were going in the old Company. He and Linda were also a huge inspiration with their caring nature and the way they looked after and visited so many in the fellowship. I know that from this perspective alone, Roy will be very much missed, and I will miss him as a colleague and friend – though I know we will meet again in the halls of heaven above and I look forward to that day.




I found out about Roy's diagnosis almost by chance talking to him one Sunday morning at the gate to the Southborough High School car park. Something typical for me of this quiet and unassuming man who put the focus on others rather than himself. 

Roy was an inspirational example alongside a number of other 'older" Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord at HEC. 

One of the ministries he was involved with, Caring for Life, was close to my heart. I had less opportunity to play a part in this area but was comforted in knowing that someone with Roy's caring and sacrificial heart was involved in the work.

 As a relative 'newcomer' to Hook still navigating names to faces Roy's passing is the perhaps one of the first of personal significance for me at HEC.



During our time at Hook we have recognised Roy and Linda as active stalwarts within the church. Unassuming and always giving 100% to every one of the many past and present rolls he played in the life of Hook; he set a fine example of Christian love and service. A quiet sense of humour and a twinkle in his eye, especially when he wanted you to do something. His service in youth work (Mr G as he was affectionately known by the youngsters) was valued and appreciated. He had a heartfelt concern for the lost best demonstrated by his love for the work of Caring for Life. Hospitality was key in his household. Like many of his ilk he will be greatly missed and hard to replace.



We will always remember Roy for setting such a wonderful example to us. Over the years he, often together with Linda, was involved in so many different things which were largely unseen by the majority of us. His faithful attendance and the duties he undertook at church to serve the Lord and us; the various prayer meetings which he hosted in their home and encouraged us; the help he provided to many people in many different ways in their times of need; his concern and support for missionaries and the unsaved; his care for the sick; his love for the young, the old and the vulnerable. He just got on and did it. Thank you Roy!




Roy was a man who welcomed everyone of all ages. He never laughed or discouraged you or your ambition, rather he took hold of every word you told him about your hopes, dreams and life and is one of very few who actually listened to hear and not to just respond. Roy had a cheeky smile that made you want to approach him, and his very presence in a room made it feel complete.



I remember Roy from when I first joined Hook 20 years ago and became good friends with his daughter Hannah.  Roy would always say hello and be interested in people's lives, his nature was quiet, gentle spirited, and kind hearted.  Although he quietly went about his life God used him in a mighty way. I will always associate Roy with Caring for Life and it was evident that his work with them was purposeful and meant so much to him and them.  I know that Roy will be missed in such a big way by his family, friends and church family.  I am sure that his loss here will have a huge impact on those who know and love him. Now he is free from pain and cancer and in the arms of his Heavenly Father, there is no better place. 


NICK EDWARDS (youth work)

Great man I looked up to. Plus, a great help to me.



Roy was a genuine brother in Christ who showed genuine interest in others. I was extremely touched by his life - in that in the last few weeks before he died, though sick and fragile, still made the rota for picking up another brother in need. A true and practising believer, warm and friendly.


In my first year at Hook, Roy was always encouraging to me as I settled into my role.   I enjoyed our chats after little rascals as he filled me in with different aspects of the youth work from years past.   I also enjoyed listening to him as he shared his story of how he came to the Lord.  



Our dear brother Roy was a lovely, kind and caring man, regularly checking on the welfare of others with a smile of encouragement on his face. He was quiet but a powerhouse of God’s love in action in many areas of church life, including among other things, church camp and CFL. His faithfulness, commitment and care will continue to be shining lights in our fellowship.



Such a lovely quiet man who did a lot behind the scenes and never drew any attention to himself.

 Roy, you and Linda affectionately embraced our family into yours as a new member at Hook many years ago. You looked out for us; always interested to know how we were getting on, knowing the challenges of looking after a special needs child.

You prayed for us and showered us love, care and deep affection.

Roy you have touched and impacted my heart in a deep and profound way. Your sweet loving smiling face, I will never forget.

I will miss our yearly catch up time at your home having a great time of fellowship and enjoying lots of laughter.

You will be missed A Lot.

Rest in Peace Beloved Friend.



Roy - the quiet servant; not a lot to say except when it needed saying, but always ready to help where there was a job to be done.

 I remember Roy in earlier years when he was CO for the annual camp. There was always thorough preparation, fun and laughter, with a quiet firmness in discipline. He decided that every child should have Bible notes specially written to fit them and the theme. (He landed me with that task for more than a year or two - that’s how I know.) 

 Latterly I found that he had new talents emerging. He became my odd job man for such things as lightbulb replacements etc. When a smoke alarm battery -on the ceiling at the top of the stairs - needed replacing, he balanced like a trapeze artist!

 He was my rescuer on two or three occasions when I fell in the house, particularly when I landed wedged against the front door so it couldn’t be opened. The neighbours helplessly looked on while his resourcefulness and slight build enabled him to open the door a crack and to step over my prostrate body.

 Roy was always ready to talk about the Lord to workmates, newcomers to the Church and others he happened to make contact with. We know that many have been blessed by his witness.



What a godly servant of God, behind the scenes, humble and willing. When we were at Hook I valued his heartfelt prayers in prayer meetings, his big gospel heart, his cheerful spirit and his love for people.



Roy was a caring, loving, positive and delightful Christian with a keen servant heart.

 He viewed people and situations through Christ's eyes and with Christ's heart,

taking practical action to meet their needs by serving as an extension of Christ's hands and feet........... and always, always serving quietly in multiple ways in the background.

 Roy was a genial, gentle and genuine Christian in all he did.

 We will miss him intensely and immensely; his departure has left an irreplaceable void in our Christian family...   our loss is heaven's gain. 

 Upon meeting Roy face to face, the Lord's smile is certain to have been resplendent,

as Roy was more than 'good enough' ....    and utterly merits the Lord's tribute of : 'well done, good and faithful servant'. 




I can remember Roy from when we were "young" in those days we mostly cycled everywhere because none of us owned a car!

 Roy was always caring and reliable, he always looked out for new people and everything he did he did well as unto the Lord.

 More recently, with all the practical help he did at church, I think he must have moved thousands of chairs, as he set up rooms for different meetings!! 

 We will all miss him greatly, his family, us at Hook and of course CFL, we thank God for Roy Goodenough. 



 Roy was a gentle, quiet, thoughtful and unassuming man, with a caring heart and a serving spirit. Whatever he was involved in, he did without any fuss or need for recognition.

 He was a faithful member of the Tuesday Service for many years and a few years ago he took it upon himself to put out the chairs and tables every week, without ever having been asked.

On the occasions that we had Jonathan Parkinson from Caring for Life come and speak at a service, Roy was willing to lead it, even though it was very much out of his comfort zone.

Every year he would organise for everyone at the Tuesday Service to get the opportunity to buy Christmas cards and calendars at very reasonable prices.

These are just some of the lovely acts of service and kindness he gave us and they were always very much appreciated. He will be sadly missed for this, but more so for his kind and gentle presence.



He was a gentle man with a servant heart, always willing to help, often in the background (doing things like printing, preparing rooms for meetings and giving up his seat in the car to walk or get the bus home so others can have a lift) It has been a privilege to work with him and I will miss him.



Roy was a kind and gentle man, who clearly loved the Lord. He had a passion to serve God through the charity ‘Caring for Life’, helping the vulnerable people in the Leeds area; he did this right up to his passing to Glory.



Roy came into membership at Hook on 6 November 1966! He was the third person I received into membership and the first of my ‘young people’. He was baptised on 24 March 1968 along with Linda, Colin and Sue and three other young people. They were the first I baptised at Hook.

The verse I gave Roy when he came into membership was from Psalm 16:8 ‘I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.’ That could not have been more appropriate as a summary for all that I have known Roy to be over the next forty-one years. And that last phrase was expressed in his response when he knew that he was shortly to join Colin and Sue in our Saviour’s never-ending kingdom. Roy was not shaken.

I always valued both Roy and Linda as two members who were totally loyal, completely reliable, faithful in attendance and prayer, and carried out so many ‘behind the scenes’ ministries. Together they accomplished far more than we will ever know. Like all of us in the Hook family, I will miss Roy greatly. But we thank the Lord that we still have dear Linda with us, and she and the family will be the focus of our prayers at this time. Praise the Lord that the ‘sting of death’ (to quote the apostle Paul in the New Testament), has been removed by the victory of Jesus over death.



Two memories of Roy:

I had not been at the church that long when Roy ask me if I would cycle around the Isle of Wight with Cliff, Peter Dennis and himself in order to raise money so Christian books and El Heraldo could be sent to Cuba.   On the ride Roy was a great encourager and remained to be so.

Roy headed up the print team for a number of years. Several weeks ago I was going to suggest to Roy that any queries about printing should be referred to me, also that he took himself off the next print rota. With a big smile and a grin on his face Roy said that had already put this on the next rota that was due out shortly. 



By humility and fear of the Lord, are riches, honour and life. Proverbs 22 v.4.

Roy carried out his service for the Lord quietly, with diligence and compassion.







I met Roy and Linda a long time ago. We were a group of youngsters in Hook church, in the swinging sixties. I still remember how madly in love she was with him before they officially ‘went out’. About 25 years ago, they both decided to visit us in Spain. Sadly, it was to be the first and last visit they would make: Linda was terrified of flying and I believe she squeezed Roy’s hand for the two and a half hours of the journey. The time they spent with us, however, proved to be so valuable in every way.

On their return, they started a monthly prayer meeting at Hook for the work in Spain, which lasted at least 20 years. It focused on our work and of other missionaries we were involved with. Every month we received a phone call requesting information for the prayer meeting, plus a warm chat. These years were so precious to us, and we are ever grateful for all who joined in praying for God’s work. Here I would like to say how faithful Roy was in printing out the monthly newsletter, taking an interest in the news of each individual and remembering them by name. No small feat in Spanish! Roy was so meticulous in everything he did. I was always moved by how he sent birthday cards to all the needy people at Care for Life. I think he was a behind the scenes man, not minding any mundane work that needed doing, nothing being mundane in God’s eyes.

Both Roy and Linda became role models for me in many ways. I know all the other missionaries in Spain that had the privilege to know him join me in paying tribute to him in gratitude for all he did. I’m very happy to have visited Roy in the last few weeks and I’ll treasure those moments and the heartfelt embrace he gave me as we said good bye.

To Hannah and Mark, Rebekah and Thomas, may his example of faithful service to our Saviour stimulate you to follow in his footsteps, working faithfully in little or big things.

In Revelation 2,10 we read a wonderful promise, “Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life”.

We send our love to you all as a family and keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Jenny Cánovas